My Mission

There are only three things we truly have control over in our lives; our thoughts, words and actions. Sometimes it seems we don’t even have control of those! Taking responsibility and facilitating an optimal use of our thoughts words and actions can and will influence our surroundings, but ultimately the only things we can control directly is ourselves. Therein lies my passion!
There has never been a human on this planet just like you. Your unique combination of genetic predisposition, cultural influences, experiences, talents, quirks, preferences, interests, and more, all at this point in history, is unrepeatable. You are like a one of a kind software program, with the great mysterious Life Force Energy as the hard drive, and if you pass from this life before fully expressing it, it will be lost forever.
The point is not to fix yourself, it’s to BECOME yourself. To emerge like a blossom. How? By removing obstacles within and around you that are obstructing life force from flowing as it was designed to. Look all around you. Nature doesn’t strain to express itself. If the conditions are good, nature will do what it is designed to do. Emerge in freedom! Next, we nourish and nurture our nature with fertilizer and care. Does it seem selfish? You will see that the fruit you bear will be your gift to the world.
My Father introduced me to Yoga at age 11, and it awakened a light within me that has been a guiding force for 30 years. At first I thought he was the reason I was on this path, but now, having two teenagers of my own who have no interest in my passion whatsoever, I realize that it’s m is my journey, and although they are not interested in the philosophy, they are most certainly influenced by my example. It all begins with you
For Questions or to schedule an appointment
call or text 925-350-9331
I have had the pleasure of knowing Marcella for the past 15 years. Without reservation, I am a healthier and happier person due to Marcella’s influence on my life. Within the first Yoga Class that I attended with Marcella, I realized that I was in the presence of an intense force of positivity and healing energy. My experience of Bioenergetic Clearing with her left me calmer and energized and in more control of my own reactions. Marcella’s voice and laughter and insights have positively impacted everyone in her sphere. I have benefitted personal, professionally, physically and mentally. A glowing endorsement!
Dara S, Morgan Hill, CA